Wednesday 13 March 2019

Did I mention running out of fuel?

Not me, yet another minibus in rush hour.


Lions vs Crocs

Green season is not a great time to see many animals in Majete Reserve but while we didn't see much else, we did spot a fight between two lionesses and some crocs. The crocs had drowned a Sable Antelope but the lions wanted it for themselves. 

 What she wants, she takes.

While one lion hides the sable, the other lies on guard. The croc is trying to sneak out, hopeful of retrieving lunch.

But a concerted charge scares him off, snapping in frustration.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

It's raining again...

It has been raining again and traffic snarls up.
  The traffic police disappear and vehicles break down. The minibus driver is leaning on the front of his vehicle with a brolly. Very likely just run out of fuel. In the distance other vehicles are turning the wrong way up a one-way street and another vehicle is broken down. I'd like to say this is unusual, but it isn't.

 In Presidential Way, a yellow car tries to overtake a long queue in order to turn right but a white car decides to block his way until the queue has moved on.