Monday 9 February 2009

Nairobi Star

There being none of the better newspapers, I purchased the Star today. Here are a few snippets:

[After police shot some motorists suspected of robbery and fleeing arrest]
Their bodies were riddled with bullets. Police said after getting shot, the suspects lost control of their car......
A witness said he saw a speeding car being chased by police and did not know what was happening. " I saw a speeding vehicle that was being followed by police in a car and I wondered what was going on", the witness said.

Referring to a new surgical instrument:
For the first time in surgical history this enables [operations] to be performed just as septically at home, on the roadsides or out there in the bush as in an operating theatre"

The gossip column reported that one govt minister was seen driving around a certain roundabout, another had six eggs in his shopping basket on Saturday and yet another was filling up a car with petrol on Friday. Just thought you needed to know that.

Thursday 5 February 2009

No title for this one


Knife grinders often carry around a frame and wheel but this ingenious person has adapted their bike so that they can drive the grinding wheel from the back wheel while propping up the bike on its rear stand.