Tuesday 25 September 2007

Riara Valley Apartments

The ambience is the best bit about a very nice flat. Difficult to show the view in one photo, you’ll have to come and see for yourselves. On Sunday I saw more birds from my balcony than I could identify, despite “help“ from three of the other inhabitants (Alfan, Zac and Samuel). There are several children around who happily play cowboys and indians (or similar) together. Most occupants are African. Sadly, guards, electric fence and gates are universal requirements, even in this peaceful neighbourhood.

Nairobi Baptist Church

With at least 3000 on site for the two 11 o’clock services (youth in the old pointed-roof church I remembered from 20 years ago, the rest in the new) there is a posse of parking attendants (guards) outside and hawkers come to sell from their barrows. The exuberant choir are still going strong after the service.

Songs are in Kiswahili and English but preaching is in English. Words and illustrations are projected onto the front wall and on TV screens around the room. After-service snacks include popcorn and samosas.

The Hadada Ibis

OK, this bit of the view from my office window isn’t great, but those very common large birds are much nicer-looking close-up. I can’t say the same about their sound, however. Their name is like the sound: hah-dah-dah but imagine it like a very loud seagull echoing around the courtyard. That sound can interrupt lectures and sleep alike. Not that anyone has fallen asleep in my lectures yet, I haven’t given one.

Monday 17 September 2007


Well, now I am in Nairobi, where the biggest hitch is poor internet! Everything else is going well and I'll file details shortly. Meanwhile here are a couple of notices I liked.